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Love in Reverse Sample Sunday

“Week­ends are some of our busiest days. Will you be able to work those?” 
The gaze that had been confidently  hold­ing mine throughout the interview shift­ed, and I knew that he wouldn’t be a good fit. The guy was young and knowl­edge­able of cars, but the help I needed with de­liv­er­ies ex­tend­ed be­yond banker’s hours.
“I play for the Shark­fins, and most of our games are on Sat­ur­day. With run-throughs and pre-game re­quire­ments, I can’t com­mit to week­ends un­til the sea­son ends.” 
“And that is?”
“Could be June or July if we make it to the post­sea­son.” 
“Do you fore­see your squad mak­ing it this year?” 
I didn’t keep up with the lo­cal mi­nor league bas­ket­ball team but could re­call updates from the lo­cal news. Their record wasn’t promis­ing, but it seemed not to be an is­sue for Devin since his face lit up as he an­swered more con­fi­dent­ly than he had be­fore. 
“I have no doubt. So if I’m hired, I would need to be off by two on Tues­days and Thurs­days to make prac­tice.” 
I nod­ded and pre­tend­ed to scrib­ble the note on his ap­pli­ca­tion I’d used to re­fer to dur­ing the in­ter­view. I cut him some slack be­cause he was bare­ly twen­ty-one, but even at that age, he should know telling a po­ten­tial boss what he couldn’t do for them wasn’t help­ful. I did ap­pre­ci­ate the trans­parency. I would’ve been lean­ing to­ward an of­fer if he hadn’t been up­front and hon­est about his lim­it­ed sched­ule for up to the next six weeks. It was a nah for me.
“Un­der­stood. I have every­thing I need un­less you have any ques­tions for me.” 
“No. I look for­ward to hear­ing back from you. You have a great col­lec­tion here. The two-tone on the 9-11 on the show­room floor is sick.” 
Hell yeah, it was. I’d only made room for the best in my business.
Fol­low­ing his lead, I stood and reached across my desk to shake his hand. “I appre­ci­ate that. We’re proud of it and all of our cars.” 
I didn’t have the heart to tell him the odds were bet­ter for his six-in-ten team go­ing all the way and win­ning the cham­pi­onship than him get­ting a call­back from me. I would let time burst that bub­ble. 
“Yo, boss. Your next ap­point­ment slid through.” 
Devin and I looked at my desk phone. I shook my head at the coarse up­date while Devin laughed at it. 
This guy…
Fe­lix was an ex­cel­lent han­dler of our ve­hi­cles. His knowl­edge and pas­sion were why he re­ceived top pay as a fleet man­ag­er, but the front desk was not a place for him. The need for more per­son­nel was why I’d been in a con­stant ro­ta­tion of in­ter­views, look­ing for some­one to help with front of­fice re­spon­si­bil­i­ties and face-to-face cus­tomer in­ter­ac­tions. 
The next can­di­date, however, was perfect for the front va­can­cy, but win­ning the lot­tery or getting a new Outkast album seemed more likely than me mak­ing the sale. That didn’t matter much to me. I wanted to make a point rather than a deal. 
I stood in front of the door using my body to hold it open af­ter Devin stepped out of my of­fice, ready for bat­tle. Quick click­ing of what I guessed were high heels tapped on the floor, each loud­er as steps brought the next in­terviewee clos­er. 
I looked down for a quick check and swiped down the wrin­kles bunched in my slacks. 
The word was screeched and sound­ed like an ac­cu­sa­tion. 
I looked up, met Fe­lix’s con­fused stare over the woman’s head, and smiled. “Guilty. Thank you, Fe­lix. I’ll take it from here.” 
The confusion left his face after giving her a once-over. He nodded with amuse­ment riddling his expression. “Fa sho.”
My grin re­mained when I shift­ed my sights back down to my guest af­ter he re­turned to the front. “Yes, it’s me. Jabari Owens, founder of Ex­ot­ic Es­corts. It’s nice to see you, Ms. Gates.” 
Her up­per lip snarled at the hand I ex­tend­ed her way, causing me to drop it. Her nose bunched as if she’d smelled the foulest odor, mak­ing light re­flect off the tiny stud in her nos­tril. She looked so of­fend­ed I damn near had to fight the urge to sniff my­self. 
My nos­trils, how­ev­er, stretched on their own when she took two steps, sending a gust my way. It caught me off guard with how pleas­ing her scent was. It was a rich flo­ral give-off that wasn’t over­pow­er­ing. I liked it, knowing I shouldn’t, but good shit was good shit.
“The web­site said OJ Matth­ew found­ed and owned this place.” 
“We can dis­cuss fur­ther if you could step into my of­fice. I pre­fer not to con­duct inter­views in the hall­way.”
She looked around after being reminded of our sur­round­ings. The lines in the cen­ter of her fore­head returned when she looked back at me. Rolling her deep brown eyes, she took hard steps into my of­fice, leav­ing me to fol­low her in­side and close the door be­hind me. 
“So… about that name?” She questioned from the vis­i­tor’s chair, facing for­ward as she ad­dressed me.
Know­ing it would piss her off, I took my time stretch­ing out my steps, making it take longer for me to get to my desk. Her face was tighter when I fi­nal­ly sat across from her. Be­fore she could go in, I an­swered her pre­vi­ous ques­tion. “I want­ed a sense of mystery when I opened, so I trans­posed my first and last ini­tials.” 
“And used your mid­dle name for the last.” Her accurate re­call wasn’t ex­pect­ed and seemed to come as a sur­prise to her as well. She blinked and sat straighter in the chair, and cleared her throat. 
“Precisely, Ms. Gates, or may I call you Oaklynn?”
“Let’s cut the shit, Jabari. Why go through with this? You could’ve called this off when my name came across your desk.” 
I shook my head at the idea. “And pass on this chance en­counter? You know me bet­ter than that.” 
I could hear the sharp breath she in­haled through her flared nos­trils. “Since I’m here, tell me, what’s the real deal here? Do you rent cars, or is that your cover for a highway of hoes?” 
I leaned back in my chair and crossed my ankles, feel­ing my vic­to­ry ap­proach­ing. “The cars are my ladies of the night…or day. We’re flex­i­ble with rental pe­ri­ods. What oth­er ques­tions do you have?” 
“None.” Her quick an­swer came as she stood from her seat. 
“Thank you for com­ing.” I stood also, smirk­ing while I ad­min­is­tered my sweet re­venge. They said it was best served cold, but the blood in me be­gan to heat up as my eyes took a jour­ney to take Oak­lynn in. Smil­ing, I went in for the game point. “I’d like to of­fer you the job.” 
Her eyes tight­ened as well as the grip on the strap of the purse hang­ing from her shoul­der. “Fuck you.” 
I knew she meant that from the depths of her. It brought a big­ger smile to my face when I added, “That isn’t a part of the job de­scrip­tion, but I’m will­ing to make con­cessions.” 
“Con­ces­sion my ass as I walk away.” 
Don’t threaten me with a good time, baby.
Our talk had been sat­is­fy­ing enough. Still, I took a good look when she spun and walked out without a look or an­oth­er word. The force she used to swing the door open was enough to sway shut be­hind her. 
Oak­lynn Gates. 
A name one couldn’t for­get. It was unique, as the face and body of its own­er. Spend­ing three years with her in a re­la­tion­ship in our ear­ly twen­ties fur­ther ce­ment­ed her as some­one I would re­mem­ber. For more rea­sons than one, Oak­lynn was someone I’d nev­er for­get. Es­pe­cial­ly when I had the un­lim­it­ed plea­sure of look­ing into her face as I was in­side her body. 
I still stood chuck­ling when she was long gone, feel­ing like I’d won. “Nice to see you again too, my dar­ling ex-girl­friend.”
I sat down and reviewed the updated lists of candidates Janay sent me this morning because the position still needed to be filled.